Monday, July 16, 2007

Still here....

hi friends, I am still here. Still cooking but certainly bake less. I really feel guilty about not updating my blog for more than a week now! But my little brain doesn't work well under the sweltering heat.

Can anyone think of a lamer excuse than this?!


  1. Enjoy your rest :)

  2. Hey dear...don't be upset!

    Blogs are supposed to be means for which people destress and share thoughts. Don't stress!!

    Take care :)

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    You shouldn't pressure yourself to blog. We miss hearing from you, but completely understand when life and heat gets in the way of things. Take it easy :)

  4. Anonymous1:01 AM

    i feel so guilty when i don't do mine daily, as in this week! but it is a lot of work. so i hear you especially with the heat factor.

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hee hee, I think it's a good excuse, because I'm using the same one as well ;0

  6. Don't feel guilty. My brain stops working all on its own - it doesn't need heat to stop ;-)

  7. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Dear Mandy,
    How are you doing today?

    p/s I am really interested to know more about you. So, when you get a chance, do post an article on the meme that we talked about yesterday via email. I am sure your blogger friend who tagged you also want to read more about you. If you do it, send me a note, I will come by and read it.

  8. Don't sweat it! ( sorry, I couldn't resist, HA!HA!) I can't function on Hot Days either!

  9. Testing, testing... hope this comment gets thru'. Have a good weekend!
