Anyway, I went ahead and made my first ever chinese turnip cake, after comparing a few sources, and plenty of courage and some common sense. It turned out ok, but could definitely be improved on. See the "wrinkles" on the surface? I still don't know what the problem is.

After a few days, I tried to make it again, the objective was to improve the texture. Turned out the texture was hugely improved, but the appearance and taste needed some fine tuning. I guess I will post the recipe after I get it right. But first, I need another trip to the chinese grocery store....
I guess the turnip cake can be kept in refrigerator for a couple of days. But it didn't last that long. For I fried some with garlic and egg to eat as lunch,and the rest for dinner. OCT wasn't as crazy as I was on turnip cake, but he seemed to enjoy his share too.

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