Friday, May 19, 2006

Absolutely Malaysian Food: Popiah

Yesterday night, we had popiahs (fried spring rolls), some leftover chicken soup with rice for dinner. I was feeling really guilty for not making a more elaborate dinner for OCT...but I was really exhausted after the baking and cleaning! So I thought I would just make popiahs using the almost expiring broccoli shaw and leftover chicken from previous dinner. Luckily OCT was home late, because dinner was only ready around 8:30p.m....

Popiahs, from a Malaysian point of view, are always deep fried. I was shocked when presented with an unfried version in Singapore a couple of years ago. And the filling was sometime different from what we have in Malaysia too. So, this version that I made for OCT was absolutely Malaysian's.

The broccoli shaw was first stirfry with a bit of oil and salt, pepper to taste. Chicken was being diced into small cubes and added to the veggie. All the filling was then cooled and wrapped in the egg roll wrappers and deep fried. The store bought broccoli shaw was definitely a time saver! Think how much time I have saved from slicing the cabbage, carrot etc...

Although this is not the healthiest meal we have ever had, I must admit that I have a good time eating these sinful and high fat popiahs for dinner. Oh, and I have eaten 6 or 7 egg rolls on my own!

Lastly, a little confession: I think my version is tastier than mum's. hahaha....

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