This is a hectic week for OCT as he has 2 presentations tomorrow. Because of this, he has to stay behind until 9p.m tonight, and I have to eat dinner alone :(
Dinner tonight is a new recipe from Cookinglight. I am glad that it turns out nice. When you have a well stocked pantry, making dinner is really a breeze. It suddenly struck me that we have not bought any commercial pasta sauce lately. It's good that we save ourselves some money and sodium loaded pasta sauce for awhile. Anyway, I think I kind of like of the combination of onion + milk + cheese + white wine. You can't go wrong with this. And add on with other stuff like spinach, prawn, chicken, roast pepper etc. The best thing is I got my calcium intake without having to drink milk! Plus I can add wine to my dish without complaint from OCT. Apparently, he kind of enjoy the pasta that I conjure.
Coming back to tonight's dinner. It uses a few pantry's staples like onion, roast red pepper, pasta, parmesan cheese, milk and ham. Though it's a vegetarian recipe, I gave it a twist by adding ham, and simplify some of the steps. I am too lazy to type out the recipe now, but will certainly add it in this entry sometime soon......
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